For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Distributing Thousands of Bibles in Connecticut

Paul Tornaquindici, in the Newington, CT assembly, kindly responded to our request for a report on the distribution of Outreach New Testaments at his superstores in Hartford, Connecticut. You will find his brief report interesting. If it can be done in Hartford, CT why couldn’t it be done in your city or town?

In December 2008 I decided to place a small wire spinner rack that holds about 150 New Testament Outreach Bibles at the exits of two of our superstores. Given it was the holiday season, I thought perhaps someone might be interested in a FREE NT Bible. A simple sign was mounted on top of the rack which said: FREE TAKE ONE.

We emptied the rack in a few hours! (I hate to even whisper it - but I was amazed) We started ordering Bibles by the hundreds and then the thousands.

The customer response at the stores was terrific. We had people stopping by to say how much they appreciated a store giving Bibles away in this day and age and how much they appreciated getting the Bible. We don't limit them to one and some people have taken quite a few to give to others; but this is a good thing.

Those wire spinner racks that started off in December 2008 at the exits of just two stores has now expanded. Racks containing the free New Testaments are now in seven stores in the Hartford, Connecticut area with nine more stores coming on next month.

Last year we added a SPANISH New Testament Outreach Bible to racks in stores that have a Hispanic population and they are hard to keep in stock.

Shelters and Soup Kitchens
But why stop with just stores? In conjunction with our staff, we decided to visit all the food pantries and shelters and soup kitchens in our area. We offered them FREE Bibles to pass out with the bags of food and meals they were serving. One pantry sends out 800 bags of food every Monday. With each bag a New Testament Bible is placed inside.

Website and Universities
In a few months we will go live with our Web site A BIBLE FOR YOU. This site will offer a FREE NT Outreach Bible to anyone in the USA. I am praying this will be a blessing and that God will be pleased to bless this effort. Also next semester I am going to try and place the racks in several Universities in our area. I think this should be a great way to spread the Word. Pray that this will become a reality.

Since the first rack we have given away over 100,000 Bibles. I must mention that it would not be possible without the gracious help of Jim and Lois Thompson. Their helping with the orders, shipping and work has been a blessing.

If you would like to contact Paul Tornaquindici by email click on his name. If you would like to inquire about purchasing these ESV Outreach Bibles you can obtain more information by emailing Jim and Lois Thompson in Sidney, Maine or by calling them at 207 512-2636.

Here is some basic information:
USA Free shipping if you order 3 cases. If you order through New England Bible Sales, the paperback ESV Outreach green New Testaments seen in the picture above (978-1-58134-835-4) can be purchased for: 100 per case for $48. Or Good News Outreach white New Testament (978-1-4335-1946-8) 50 per case for $23.76.

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