For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Informal Service At Local Nursing Home

Our experience has been an encouragement to the believers. 

It started during COVID at the invitation of the local nursing home. Actually the request  probably started from a few assembly believers at the facility. 


During the difficult months of COVID the restrictions were quite stringent, sometimes resulting in canceled visits. 


But complying to the protocol enabled the assembly to carry on the weekly effort. 

Prior to COVID another Christian group was involved with a Sunday meeting but due to COVID their meetings ended. Without intending to diminish the effort of the Christians who carried on this work for years, the interruption was an answer to prayer and through no prodding of our own the Lord opened the door. 

It commenced with 4 believers from the home joining in an informal service. The hour consists of some casual conversation and singing hymns and the sharing of a short scripture message. 


The original 4 faithfully attend barring any health issues. We are encouraged to see an increase in numbers since the onset. 

Although most of the residents are in failing health and their mental abilities are deteriorating, some of the regular attendees are in the home due to other reasons and their mental capacities are not affected.


I believe this effort could be initiated at most long-term care facilities in proximity to a local church especially if believers are  residents. 


The advantages are numerous


1. Fulfilling the spiritual needs of the believers


2. A gospel outreach


3.  Absolutely no cost involved


4. The staff support the effort(for the most part)


Report submitted by Theodore Chiasson, Baddeck, NS

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